Informative meeting of “Integrimi N‘Shqip” initiative – Pristina, 1 October 2019

” Integrimi N‘Shqip” is an initiative implemented by the ACIT Center and the Kosovo Institute for European Policies (EPIK Institute), with the support of OSFA. This initiative aims to contribute at the Europeanization of the two societies by assessing and supporting the absorption of European values.

In the framework of this initiative, an informative meeting was held in Pristina (Kosovo) through which the two organisations presented the study: “Analysis of the European integration process of Albania and Kosovo: Cooperation on the way forward”.

The participants included representatives of public administration, civil society, academia, media, etc. The main common message taken from the activity was that institutional cooperation between the two countries is very important, since it would not  reduce costs and time. Cooperation needs to extend beyond institutional actors, and our joint initiative is a step to increase and strengthen cooperation between civil society actors from both countries.