We had the pleasure of presenting the most recent study conducted by ACIT, a white paper by the title “Effective consultation and participation of the business fora in the EU accession negotiations”. The document analyses shortcomings of current mechanisms and formulates a few practical recommendations, with the aim of improving inclusiveness in the process.
Opening remarks were delivered by Ms. Bilgen Aldan, ICC Albania Chair, H.E. Mr. Reinout Vos, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Albania, Mr. Alexis Hupin, Head of Political Section of the EU Delegation to Albania, and Ms. Oriana Arapi, Director at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Participants included members of the business community, civil society, academia, public institutions, etc. A one-hour discussion with comments and questions followed the presentation of the study.
The study was implemented by ACIT and supported by International Chamber of Commerce in Albania and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania.